Monday, April 19, 2010

Americans Don't Trust Their Government

Only 22% of all Americans surveyed said they trusted the government in Washington almost always or most of the time -- among the lowest measures in half a century -- according to a Pew Research Center survey released Sunday night.1

Well, duh.

Alienation will be a reoccurring and deepening trend in American life. The working class population is splintered into an ugly and confused state of sectarian identity politics which basically leads nowhere on a collective basis. This country is a remarkably unpleasant place to live in given its generally high level of wealth as compared with most of the world.
It's interesting that in 1958, 73 % of American said they trusted the government. We will never get to those levels again.

1 comment:

The Arthurian said...

"It's interesting that in 1958, 73 % of American said they trusted the government. We will never get to those levels again."

And in 1961-63 we had a government which is sometimes called Camelot.

"You have to have lived in the 1950s and 1960s to have experienced a good economy." [Jude Wanniski in Reader's Digest, Feb 1995, p.49]

We'll get back to high levels of trust in government again, if we ever solve the economic problem.

I like your stuff, Purp.